Smart Specialization (S3) Thematic Partnership on Shipbuilding Alternative Fuels Propulsion Systems Alliance

Smart Specialization (S3) Thematic Partnership on Shipbuilding Alternative Fuels Propulsion Systems Alliance” newly launched by the European Commission and SDG4MED will lead the technical support.
The initiative aims at:
- Speeding up the modernisation and renewal of the supply chains related to the production/refitting of propulsion systems, as well as to the delivery of the fuel, for each type of alternative fuel.
- Accelerating the replacement/refitting of traditionally propelled fleets to diversify, renew, revitalise the sector across Europe and its neighbourhoods;
- Fostering the adoption of innovative fiscal and financial schemes, to allow shipowners, shipbuilders and related stakeholders to achieve greater impact and sustainability for their investments.

On 12 December 2024, EU Smart Specialization (S3) Thematic Strategy Steering Committee kicked off in Rimini (IT).